Okay, JP...I would say corral JJ for about 24 hours and pick his brain regarding the game. Information sharing has never been our strong suit in DAOC, BUT...if you manage to get him (or any of the other old hands) in the same room with you for a bit, you start to learn REAL quick like. In that vein, I'll share a few of my favorite quotes--paraphrased, from NOT being co-located (and buying my first account in DAOC, HUGE mistake). I learned WAY slowly, and it shows:
--Dude, WHY are you using hammers?! We just mezzed that group!--Thorgren
--Why are you still hinging? I just made 100 plat this week from selling ToA scrolls--Bohicaranger
--You're a skald. Why are you using a 1H weapon?--Magiskeld
--Decide on a character!! --JJ
--Um...healing generates aggro. Idiot. --Jerm
--DoTs will break roots. --Roanie
--Just because you wear chainmail doesn't mean you will last 5 seconds against an Infi. --Faraldr
--Get out of the GTAE! --Elenda
--Yeah, you get to choose between slash, and slash. --Akisma
--What do you mean, change my U.I.? --me
Etc, etc, etc. I think the learning curve for playing DAOC and playing DAOC well is far steeper than WoW. And I am by no means a good player. Lots of nuances to learn. We probably need to start some threads regarding Levelling, Powerlevelling, gold generation in Alb (I have NO clue, although no one is playing a PvE-centric class yet), U.I.'s, standard strategies, the differences between levelling specs versus endgame specs, and...roles.
A lot of the old discussions have vaporized from the web. Anyone have any recommendations for JP to read up on L33T endgame PvP?
Oh, and I found a site the other day that discussed a lot of exploits, etc...mostly PBAE powerlevelling.