Everyone knows we're officially on the final boss of ICC, however as tomorrow will reset everyone who didn't extend (I highly suggest just letting me extend due to the reasons below), below is some advice so yall can still farm badges if you're so motivated.
Extending a lockout works as follows:
-Raid Leader extends lockout. Raid Leader is now saved to instance.
-Raid enters. Raid is not saved to instance until a boss is killed.
-If no boss is killed, raid can reform under a new Raid Leader and enter a fresh instance.
-All raid lockouts will reset on Tuesday Maintenance. The original Raid Leader will be able to extend the extended lockout again. The raid will be able to extend the new instance.
In other words, if by Thursday night we haven't killed arthas, yall can reform or Pug 10 man ICC and still be fine to fight arthas the following week...this also works for folks who are sitting out etc. See yall tomorrow night, hopefully everyone has watched a few videos and has a good feeling for the fight.